​​Security Form Overview

Purpose: Provide, review and revoke access to SCO applications provided to users at your agency.

Navigation: The Security Access Request application, visible only to Security Request Administrators (SRAs), is located on the SCO Applications Menu.

  1. Follow Sign-In Instructions to access the SCO Applications Menu. 
  2. Select Security Access Request from the Agency Applications list.
  3. Enter your credentials once more to access the Security Access Request page. 

Security Request Application:

Once signed in, security request administrators will be presented with the following options:​


  • ​New Security Request - Create a new security form, providing access to a user for your agency.
  • ​​View Security Access for Active and Pending Requests - A list of active security forms submitted by your agency. From here, you can:
    • ​Review and modify access your agency has provided to an active user.
    • Terminate a user, deleting their access and inactivating their​ security form.
  • View Prior Security Access for Terminated Employees - A list of security forms submitted and terminated by your agency.
    • ​Access provided to previously terminated users can be reviewed here.
    • Terminated security requests will only show in this view.

Follow the link on the right side of the page under Help & Support for questions regarding this process.

Security Form Statuses

Views - Security Access Request